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Top Questions About Sugar Snap Peas

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Questions About Sugar Snap Peas

  • Answered by
    MichiganDot on
    May 23, 2019

    If you are growing in a container, the plant is totally dependent on fertilizer, one that is meant for vegetables. Banana peels, epsom salt and coffee grounds are recommended by people who don't know the science of soils and nutrient uptake by plants. When they have been looked at in controlled studies, they don't hold up. Banana peels and coffee grounds are great for the compost pile. Adding 1-2 inches of compost annually is beneficial to soil health. If temps are already above 80 F where you are, peas will not do well. They are grown as spring and fall crops when it is cooler. Sometimes yellow leaves are just a sign that older leaves have done their job and are "retiring". (senescence) Write back and post a picture. Give as much information as you can on your current garden practices.

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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    March 29, 2020
    Certified Expert

    Since you haven't fertilized them, and they aren't producing well, I suggest having your soil tested. That will show what nutrients are lacking. You must have plenty of nitrogen since you get plenty of foliage. In the meantime, work in some well rotted compost to enrich the soil if you haven't already.



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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    April 6, 2020
    Certified Expert
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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    June 10, 2020
    Certified Expert

    This happens once the stigma receives pollen. Peas will, soon, follow.

    Here is an article for more information on the care of Peas in container:


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  • Answered by
    GKH_Susan on
    June 24, 2020
    Certified Expert

    You're not alone -- we've had this question many times. If the plant looks healthy but no flowers, it likely means their is too much nitrogen. Fix it with a phosphorus boost like bone meal.


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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    August 19, 2020
    Certified Expert

    They will do this, naturally, as they start to die off. They have, relatively, short lifespans.

    Now, overwatering can lead to infections that will kill them off earlier. This is even more true indoors. Bu sure that you only water them once the soil is dry down to about 2 inches in the container. (This will need to be about halfway down the container if it does not have drainage holes.)

    I have never had any good luck with watering bulbs. I find that they tend to overwater. I would recommend watering by hand when the soil dries out some.

    Here is an article that will help you to grow peas in container:


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  • Answered by
    BushDoctor on
    June 10, 2021
    Certified Expert

    Snap peas need to be eaten early. Once the peas swell, completely, they will take on a bitter taste, or barely any taste, depending on the cultivar.

    Sometimes, adding sulphur to the soil can help. Adding this as potassium sulfate will improve fruit set as well!

    One other thing to note is temperature. Peas are a cool season crop, and heat can ruin the flavor. It has been quite warm in my area this week, and if it has been warm in yours, then this could be the reason.

    Here is an article that will help you to grow snap peas:


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