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Sugar Snap Peas

Q.Snap Pea Plants Are Drying Up

kristinashato added on August 19, 2020 | Answered

I have three sugar snap pea vines growing indoors over the last 5 months. Within the last week or two, I noticed they’ve been starting to dry up. I did not change anything besides beginning to water with watering bulbs instead of a can. Is there a point at which they die off naturally or is something wrong? They are still growing and producing.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 19, 2020

They will do this, naturally, as they start to die off. They have, relatively, short lifespans.

Now, overwatering can lead to infections that will kill them off earlier. This is even more true indoors. Bu sure that you only water them once the soil is dry down to about 2 inches in the container. (This will need to be about halfway down the container if it does not have drainage holes.)

I have never had any good luck with watering bulbs. I find that they tend to overwater. I would recommend watering by hand when the soil dries out some.

Here is an article that will help you to grow peas in container:


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