I live in Houston, TX, and keep my Stephanotis plant outside to enjoy the humidity. My plant looks very healthy and puts on 20-24 blossoms at a time. However, they keep falling off before opening up completely. Help!
This plant is notorious for being very fussy about its environment. It will not usually fully flower, or fruit without the conditions being absolutely perfect. Although you may have some humidity, it is likely not near high enough to support flowering. This will be the primary cause of bloom drop.
These will also need fertilization very frequently. These can be a reason as well.
This article will give you more information on the care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/stephanotis/stephanotis-plant-care.htm
the plant is outside climbing up the house on the Spanish Mediterranan coastline and has flourished there for 20+ years. Last 2 years I have noticed a discolouring on the leaves and do not know why. Also when would be the best time of year to cut it back as lower part is very woody/branchy but no leaves.
The discoloration may be due to a nutrient deficiency. Fertilize with a complete organic fertilizer.
Prune moderately in late winter, early spring. You can do some reduction and thinning to open for sunlight to the lower stems, which may stimulate lower growth. But don't prune too extremely or the plant may not recover.
Found lots of these flies in my stephanotis blooms. What are they, are they detrimental to the plant?
This is one of many species of Hoverfly or Flowerfly. This is a beneficial plant pollinator and will not harm your plants.
Here is an article that will help you explain their role in the garden:
this plant have been just moved two weeks ago, one is showing the upper stem to be yellow, is this normal?
This is, likely, transplant shock. This article will help:
Here is an article that will offer tips on how to care for your plant:
It looks droopy and sad whether I give the soil water when its dry or when I just mist the leaves. It receives indirect sunlight from the kitchen counter with a west window nearby. Please help I don't want to lose this beautiful fragrant plant! Also, it dropped its flowers some time ago does it only flower at certain times of the year?
They are a little tricky to care for in the home. They have temperature and humidity requirements, plus they need realer watering in the summer and less in winter. No fertilizer in winter.
This information should help:
This is an indoor plant
You only need to fertilize during the growing season in summer. Do not fertilize in winter. These are rather high maintenance plants which need a cool environment at night, high humidity, and moist soil. When these conditions aren't met, the leaves will drop.
Here is more on how to care for your Stephanotis plant:
I have a large stephanotis plant, it usually blooms but last year it didn’t so I repotted it, it was terribly stuck in the pot. I lost a few leaves but now I’m getting these small 1- 1 1/2 inch green things what are they ? Leaves or flowers, I never noticed them before
This looks like the very early stage of a flower bud! It is likely due to stress, though, that it is reluctant to flower, well. Give it some time to recover, and proper care, and it should resume flowering in a year or two.