How do I get a pink or showy lady slipper to bloom again? I planted a pink lady slipper and waited about seven years. My wife moved it to a slightly more sunny location but still in dappled sunlight under large trees. The location is on a hill with good drainage. The next year we got a single beautiful blossom. For the last 3 years, we have had a vigorous good looking plants but no blooms. Any suggestions for fertilizer, bone meal, soil acidifier, etc. that might get it to bloom again? I think the plant was originally cultivated in Canada.
I have listed a link with a few tips on mulching, fertilizing and proper growing conditions.
My mother in law only waters hers with water from the outside untreated water pump and mulches with old leaves.
It is recommended that I let tap water stand for several days before using it on my lady slipper orchids. Instead of having buckets of water sitting around or buying distilled water, could I just use tropical fish water conditioner drops? If the drops instantly make tap water safe for baby guppies, wouldn't they make it safe for lady slipper orchids?
Water conditioner drops for fish tanks will not rectify hard water and it is hard water that is a primary concern for lady slipper orchids. Hard water is water that has high mineral content. The reason you were instructed to let tap water stand for several days is so that the hard water deposits could settle to the bottom. Water conditioner drops for fish tanks serve to neutralize the chemicals (chlorine) in tap water that may be harmful to fish.
I transplanted some lady slippers and now they won't blossom. What can I do to help them? We sold the family home and they have been passed down from generation to generation and now they won't blossom. Help.
Mimic the growing conditions in the new location as close as possible to their original growing spot.
Here is a link about the care requirements.
How to winterize the lady slipper orchid?
Lady Slippers are hardy down to zone 2.
You can mulch over with some straw or leaves if you feel they need a bit of extra protection.
I have some wild lady slippers I took from the woods while camping . Can I grow them in doors ?
No you will not be able to grow these woodland plants indoors.
Use caution when removing plants from the environment they are growing in, as many of these plants are protected by law.
Here is an article that discusses care for these orchids.