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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    September 14, 2014

    The roots being okay does not mean that the actual rose you loved is okay. Many roses are grafted roses, meaning the top desired rosebush is grafted onto a hardy rootstock rosebush. So if the top part died, what comes up from the root will be the rootstock and not the desired rosebush. There are what is called Own Root roses. The own root roses typically do not have a knuckle or grafting area at their base right above the beginning of the root system. If they are Own Root rosebushes, prune off all the dead parts down to good looking live cane material. Water the rosebushes with some water that has both some root stimulator and a product called Super Thrive in it. Adding a couple tablespoons of Epsom Salts to the mix will not hurt either. Water them with the Super Thrive in the water the next 3 to 4 times they need watering. That should get them going well. Here is a link to some information on the grafted rosebushes for you:

    Stan The Rose Man
    Consulting Rosarian
    Gardening Know How

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    October 5, 2014

    That photo sure looks like a bad case of Scale attacking the rosebushes. I would recommend using either the product at this link: http://www.planetnatural.com/product/take-down-garden-spray/ or get some Bayer Rose and Flower Care granules and give the rosebushes some of the granules mixed into the soils ASAP. The granules are a systemic that will move through all the tissues of the rosebushes and will provide a longer lasting control.

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    October 20, 2014

    A tree rose is actually a grafted rosebush. The bottom part that forms the trunk can be another rosebush that is grown for its long canes and then a desired rosebush grafted on top of a cane. Some are also grafter on the top part of a young apple tree. So, if cutting of the canes are taken from the top part of the rose tree and rooted, you will get a typical rosebush not a tree rose. In some cases the root system of such rosebushes from cuttings is not strong enough to survive winter in harsh climate zones. Here is a link to an article on tree roses for you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/learn-more-about-tree-roses.htm

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    October 20, 2014

    Witches Broom is a viral disease called Rose Rosette disease. Once the rosebush contracts the disease it will continue to have it as there is no known cure. Pruning out the canes that are diseased and burning them is okay to do. Be sure to clean the pruners so as not to help infect others. Here is a link to an article for you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/rose-rosette-disease.htm

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    October 26, 2014

    I usually wait until the first good hard frost and then several days of cold nights that send them off to their "Winters Nap" known as dormancy. That way the foliage has started drying out and falling off so the covering will not be as likely to entrap moisture that will cause over wintering funguses or molds.

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  • Answered by
    roseman on
    November 11, 2014

    Your container roses should be moved into a cool garage or basement area. Place them up off the concrete floor on old pieces of lumber. Keep an eye on the soils moisture over the winter. You do not want them wet but the soils should be moist. No feeding them during this time as that can come in the Spring. I would prune them all down to about half their height so as to make them easier to deal with in moving them.

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