How soon can I cut back the leaves after the plant has bloomed so that I can use that space for another plant?
You should really let the leaves die out on their own rather than cut them, as this allows them to build energy for next season's growth and flowering. However, you can still over plant the area with annuals/perennials.
I live in an Homeowner's Association area with an 80' x 5' boulder type rock garden. It blooms profusely in spring and then goes dead. We want to add summer/fall blooming plants. The spring plants that have bloomed are two feet tall, and spilling down the slopes with lots of dry dead wood inside. Question: How do we, should we prune them back for their health and good looks and to create space for our new summer/fall plantings?
Yes, you can safely cut the plants back, especially if they are getting out of control or beginning to look unsightly.
Can I pick off some leaves to get a plant to produce more fruit?
This article will help:
We have 3 tall shrubs on the side of our house and every winter we have to tie them up so the snow and ice do not bend them over and block the driveway. We want to know how we go about cutting them back. Do we top them or just trim them? They are tall and slender shrubs.
Most shrubs can be cut back by one third. Do not cut back any more than this, as it will harm the plants.
When outside flowers die, do you cut them off or just let them alone?
Either one. Many people should to deadhead them simply to keep them from seeding out, as well as improve their appearance. Others choose to let them be. It is really up to the individual, as leaving them or cutting them will not hurt the plant.
What flowers can you deadhead?
There are far too many to list. Typically annuals can be deadheaded, as can longer flowering perennials like daisies and coneflowers.
Can you prune the shoots that grow after the pruning? Thank you.
Yes, cut them off parallel to the ground. It won't harm the mother plant.