What size container do I need for a Pistachio tree? It will be permanently lost if I don't repot it.
Pistachio trees are not particularly suitable as container plants. However, they can be grown in containers (the bigger the tree, the bigger your container will need to be) until they reach about 3-5 years old, at which point you should plant it in a permanent location outdoors. Mature pistachios have an extremely long tap root, requiring deep, well-draining soil that containers cannot provide. Dig the planting hole as deep and wide as its current pot.
I have pistachio trees (1 male and 1 female). When I bought my house, the owner told me they needed to be sprayed in order for them to produce meat in the nuts but she neglected to tell me what to spray them with. Last year they did produce the shells but no meats. What do I need to spray them with and what other nutrients do I need to give them in order to ensure they stay healthy? Thanks!
It's possible that your trees may need boron. See: http://www.fluidfertilizer.com/pastart/pdf/9P11-13.pdf
This site provides several articles that might help: http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu/pages/pistachio/
I have 7 pistachio trees in my garden in Aegina, Greece. Three of them, the youngest trees, seem to be growing out from the base (root) of the tree, which I cut every year. What is this problem? The other trees are perfect.
It's possible the tree is sending up shoots from the root stock if the tree is grafted.
Remove those sucker shoots.
Here is a link with good information on pruning.
How long does it take for pistachio trees to give fruit? I have two, and will they cross pollinate? I have two pistachio trees, over 5 years now, and have given no fruit yet. Will they cross pollinate? When can I expect some nuts?
Between 5 and 7 years and it is a Biennial crop, with heavy fruit every other year.
Can I grow one pistachio tree, or do I need two for pollination?
Pistachio trees are not self-fertile, so you will need two trees for pollination.
How to transplant a 16 ft tall pistachio tree?
I have been unable to find any information on transplanting a Pistachio Tree.
I would advise contacting a qualified Arborist in your region to inquire on the process or if it is possible to move a tree successfully.
Are there any new findings for treatment of Verticillium Wilt Disease in a Chinese Pistachio tree (Planted about 4 years ago, 15 feet high)?
I found no information on any new resistant varieties.