What kind of fertilizer is best for Passion Flowers?
Use a fertilizer that has a slightly higher phosphorous count. This will help with blooming.
What causes the leaves on passion flowers to turn yellow and drop off, and what can be done to keep them green?
A number of things can cuses this in plants, usually as a result of stress. This article will provide some reasons for yellowing leaves: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/plant-leaves-turn-yellow.htm
I want to know how to propagate the Passion Flower from cuttings.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/passion-flower/propagating-passion-flower.htm
My passion flower did not flower this year, lots of growth but no flowers. I have it in a large pot and water regularly. Should I cut it all the way back for winter and move into a sheltered area? I live in Vancouver, Wa. and we get pretty cold weather in the winter. We had a foot of snow last year that's very unusual, but the passion flower may not make it through that kind of winter. This was the first year for this plant. I also planted a purple morning glory with it and it did fantastic.
It could be a fertilizer issue if you have been giving the vine any--specifically, nitrogen. Too much actually results in more foliage growth and less blooms. Plants need a balance between phosphorous and nitrogen to bloom well. I would recommend giving it some bone meal to increase phosphorous.
As for wintering the plant, this article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/passion-flower/preparing-a-passion-flower-vine-for-winter.htm
I bought a Passion flower today and I want to know how to take care of it and how do I pepare it for winter.
These articles will help you with that:
I started a passion flower from seed about 2 years ago, and while the foilage is lovely, it has never produced a flower. I keep it indoors in a pot and put it outside on my porch during the summer. Our climate is too cold fo keep it outdoors permanently. How can I get it to bloom? Also, it never loses its leaves in the winter. Is that all right?
Fruit plants that are grown from seeds often need a few years before they will flower for the first time. If you do not see flowers by next year, try moving it to a brighter location and give it some bone meal to boost its phosphorous, which help with flowering.
If you are bringing it in for the winter and it is not losing its leaves, that is fine. They do not have to lose their leaves, but often indoors they go into dormancy and start to shed leaves. If yours is not, it just means that it is very happy and does not feel the need to go dormant.
I am Zone 3 in east central AB. This year I planted 2 passion flowers and a John Paul 11 clematis in pots around my obelisk. I have just read the tips on this site and I want to bring my pots inside and store them in the dark, cold room in the basement for the winter. My question is, can I cut the vines off a couple inches above the dirt, or how much do I need to leave on the plant? Obviously, I cannot bring the whole 6 ft obelisk and 4 potted plants inside. Should I water it well first and then just forget about it for the winter? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Generally, it will die down on its own but you can go ahead and cut it back by about a third.