What causes black spots on oregano and also on spearmint?
Are they in the ground or in a container? If they are in a container, it is likely black spot fungus. Treat them with neem oil. Here is more information on neem oil: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm
My wife thinks that there are bugs eating the leaves of our oregano. I think it might be a blight or fungus. Your thoughts will be appreciated.
If they're are black spots and not holes, it is likely a fungus. Treat the plant with a fungicide.
I rinsed my oregano before drying. Have I ruined it? Every year I dry some of the herbs I've grown. This year, I thought I should rinse the oregano, I was thinking, 'What if a toad peed on it?' Then I shook the branches off and laid outside on the covered deck to dry. Within hours, the leaves got dark and shriveled. Will the oregano still be good? No, it's not moldy.
As long as you allowed the herb to throughly dry, it is perfectly fine to rinse it off. In fact, most people do. It is not uncoomn for them to lose some of their color after harvesting or wilting. For more information on harvesting and storing herbs, these articles should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/oregano/learn-how-to-grow-oregano.htm
I cut my Oregano. . . . how do I dry it?
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/how-to-dry-herbs-various-methods.htm
I recently harvested oregano, sage and basil. Should I throw away the plant stem and soil or can I store them in the garage for the winter? Will they be ok for next year if I water and feed them a little?
If they are in pots, the oregano and sage can make it through the winter in the garage if you remember to water them about once a month. They will look like they are dead, but they will just be dormant. The basil is just best to plant new from seed next year.
I have a large leaf spot problem that has infected virtually all of the plants, trees, and shrubs. This includes oregano plants, my shade tree, mums, etc. Is there a treatment that I can apply to all of the infected plants, shrubs, and trees? Do I need different treatments for the herbs and vegetables, versus the shrubs, trees, and flowers?
All leaf spot diseases can be controlled by decreasing or eliminating overhead irrigation, minimizing leaf wetness periods, discarding heavily infested plants, and applying preventive fungicide applications. The same type of fungicide can be used on all of them. Also, removing and discarding diseased leaves will greatly reduce the infection and should provide sufficient disease control.
My oregano plants seem to get irregular light spots spreading to patches on older leaves, like something is sucking the green color out. I can't see any pests to pick off. HELP!
This article should be of some help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/oregano/oregano-problems.htm