I am looking for plants that are good in absorbing water and helping control the puddles that are developing in my yard.
This article may help you:
Our lawn has been dug up with moles. What can we do to rid ourseleves of them. The lawn looks like a prairie dog haven.
Unfortunately, moles can be somewhat difficult to get rid of, especially in large numbers. This article should provide a few ideas on things you could try, however, to alleviate the problem: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mole-control-home-remedies-for-removing-moles-from-your-yard.htm
How do I treat my yard to get rid of yellow spots? I am almost sure this is not due to some animal's urination. Is there something I can buy to stop this from spreading?
It is either grubs or a fungus. These articles will help you determine which it is in your yard and how to treat it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/grass-fungus.htm
How can I get grass to grow in an area that has a lot of surface tree roots from a maple tree?
This article will help you:
I have noticed that there are areas on my lawn where the grass has disappeared, but the clover remains, and there are little round holes probably around the size of the tip of your pinky finger. I thought maybe ants, but I never see any activity near the holes. I thought it was much too early for grubs. What could they be? Any clue? I live in Plymouth, MA.
It could be a few things. One possibility is that it is earthworms or birds searching for earthworms. Another possibility is that they are entrances to bee or wasp nests.
My grass has what looks like large, round dead spots where the grass appears to look like hay. I have thatched the spots and fertilized, and it appears that some green grass is coming back but not all. My question is: Is this a fungus that can be treated and with what?
It actually sounds like it may be grubs. This article will help:
I have two trees that are showing signs of spring blooming, but the grass around them both is dead in a circular perimeter around each tree. What does this mean?
Grass has a hard time surviving under trees. The trees will suck all of the moisture out of the soil, leaving none for the grass, which then dies. This article will help with getting grass to grow under trees:
The branches of the trees are blocking sunlight. For one thing, I would thin out the tree branches to open up the canopy.. There are many YouTube videos on the subject. Different trees are trimmed with different techniques at different times of year. For the trees’ health they should be trimmed every so often to remove dead and broken branches as well as any branches that are rubbing. If it is very large I would hire an arborist. In addition, you could accept the fact that you will have trouble growing grass there. Just apply mulch and perhaps some shade loving plants if the roots of the trees are not shallow.