When and how do you prune or trim a jasmine plant?
Since jasmine usually blooms on last year’s growth, the best time to prune outdoor plants is just after blooming. Prune away dead, weak, or damaged shoots in late winter or early spring after danger of frost is over. Prune back no more than 1/3 of the vine at a time.
I am in southwestern Florida. When and how much should I prune my Jasmine bush?
Summer jasmine is best pruned just after flowering, in late summer or early autumn. Winter jasmine should be pruned in spring, immediately after flowering. On both types you can cut back flowered stems to a strong sideshoot and thin out crowded, crossing or misplaced branches. You should also remove any weak or thin stems. Overgrown vines can be cut back to about 2 feet from the ground.
Why doesn't my night blooming jasmine smell? It is a true night blooming jasmine.
Has it been cool and damp lately? These conditions often interfere with a plant's fragrance. Additionally, too much fertilizer (like nitrogen) can sometimes be the cause. While it creates lush growth, the blooms and subsequent smells from them may be reduced.
I live in Tampa. I want to put crepe jasmine as a row of "shrubs" up next to my house, under windows. Is shady all day till about 3:00, then gets afternoon sun.
I think that there would be enough light in this location to keep these plants happy. You should be fine.
My jasmine is 6 years old and I need to move it to the other side of the garden. I tried last year with another one I had and it died. As my late father bought them for me, I don't want to lose another one.
The older a plant is, the more likely it is to go into transplant shock when moved. This article will help you try to prevent it and will explain how to treat it if it happens after it has been moved:
Fall is a good time as is spring for transplanting. You are looking for relative cool but not cold temperatures with plenty of water (from rainfall or from manual watering).
Can you start plants from cuttings in the fall--such as Jasmine and Crepe Myrtle?
Crepe myrtle cuttings are usually taken in spring or fall, while jasmine cuttings on outdoor varieties are best propagated from hardwood cuttings taken in winter, or softwood cuttings from tender varieties taken in spring or summer.
Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/crepe-myrtle/how-to-propagate-crepe-myrtle-trees.htm
I have a beautiful flowering vine on my front porch but don't know the name of it. It has waxy green leaves and produces wonderful smelling white flowers. When I cut it, I get a milky substance from it. More specifically, I want to plant this vine in my backyard and I have a lot of seed pods. They look like green beans. Can they be used to start the vine? Thank you for your help.
It may be a jasmine of some kind.
Regardless, you should be able to use the seeds to start it, but often, flowering vines like that grown from seed can take years to mature enough to bloom. You would be better off taking cuttings from the vine and rooting them. These will be mature enough to bloom in just a year or two.
This article will help with taking and rooting cuttings: