Can you save the seeds to plant next year. If so, how?
Yes, they can be saved and stored for next year.
Are these safe with pets since beans are toxic?
Yes, hyacinth beans are toxic when raw, but so are lima beans, red kidney beans and many other types of beans. To be safe, all beans should be adequately cooked before ingesting them. If you have pets that have a tendency to munch, gnaw, and chew on plants, then you'll want to find a way to keep them away from hyacinth beans.
Can the hyacinth bean plant be used for a hanging basket instead of climbing vine? I live in lower Delaware and plant in pots on a balcony.
Yes, you can cascade the hyacinth bean from a hanging basket.
For more information on the hyacinth bean plant, please visit the following link:
Are these plants and their parts safe for dogs that like to forage?
The raw beans are know to be poisonous.
Here is an article with more information.
I inherited a small bag of what is marked, "Hyacinth bean" dated 1999. Are these too old to grow? Is there anything I can do to encourage growth?
There is a good chance that your seeds are quite viable.
Heirloom seeds, or seeds passed down are wonderful to garden with.
Here are some articles to help you.
Are there different species of the hyacinth bean vine? I purchased bean seeds from Park Seed in the fall of 2015 and didn't get the results I expected. The vine flowered a little too early and the height is only approx 5 feet. The leaves are "distorted." Please see attachment pics from vines that I grew in Connecticut a couple of seasons ago. This is what I expected from the seeds I purchased last fall from Park Seed to plant in Tennessee, which is where I live now. I got disappointing results this year. I wish I had the seeds from the pods that I grew in Connecticut; unfortunately, I couldn't harvest them for several reasons. Question: can I get the "large vine" seeds? Is there such a thing? Thank you very much. George Terry
There are many different varieties of Hyacinth Beans.
Moonshadow is a favorite grown by many, this variety was grown by Thomas Jefferson.
Search for 'heirloom Hyacinth Bean seeds'.
When do they bloom? Mine have not bloomed yet and it is August. We are in a zone 8 growing area.
I grew these in Zone 9. Planted around April, and they didn't really start to grow significantly until August. It's now mid September, and they are just starting to generate small purple pods. They have only been flowering for a few weeks.
I think this is just the nature of the plant, it's a very very late bloomer and producer.
I have the purple variety, not the green.
Hyacinth Bean Vines can have little to no flowers if the nitrogen level is too high or you fertilize with too high of a nitrogen ratio fertilizer. Hyacinth Bean plants produce their own nitrogen so additional fertilizer is not usually needed.
They also do not tend to produce many flowers in summer, but will began bloom when the weather cools in late summer, early autumn.
Full sun is needed for a healthy, happy blooming vine.
Here is a link with more information.