There are blooms on everything but not much fruit or vegetables. Last year was the first year for my garden. It had lots of blooms, but not much at all to harvest - like green beans, cucumbers, squash, etc. What do you think may have been the problem? Thank you.
It sounds like a pollination issue. This article will help:
The leaves of my new green been plants are turning yellow and are dry. Why is this? I have a picture if you would like to see what I am asking about. Thank you!
They may have been burned by nitrogen in the soil, or it could be slug damage. They only come out at night so you would not see them during the day. This article will help with slugs: If you send us a picture, I can better assess what is happening.
I planted Tenderbush Green Beans 2 1/2 weeks ago in my garden. I still don't have any plants showing. The seed packet I used was a new one with current dates. Could there be a reason why they aren't showing yet? The day after I planted the seeds at the recommended 2" deep, we had a frost. Because the seeds were in the ground and not plants yet, wouldn't they have survived that frost? I appreciate your help!
I would give it a little more time. Since you had a frost, the temps may have gotten a bit too cold for germination to occur. Once the soil warms up more, the seeds should begin sprouting.
Newly growing green beans are very yellow.
This should give you some answers:
How do I know when the string beans are ready to harvest?
This article should help:
Some of my green beans had circular indentions every 1/2 inch, as if a string had been tied and strung around them the whole length of the bean. Never saw anything like this in my 40 years of gardening. Do you know what may have caused the deformation?
About 3/4 of my roma green beans developed into 2- to 3-inch half moon shaped deformed beans with 2 to 3 beans in each pod. They tasted ok but they weren't long, straight, flat beans as roma's should be. I planted them April 13 and have had plenty of rain. I don't use chemicals. What went wrong?
This article should answer your question: