I grow them in raised beds and water when nature doesn't cooperate. These are ordinary bush beans. I am getting beans okay, and they don't seem to be troubled by bean bugs. Just curious.
This article will help you.
The beans will get little, then they die before they mature. I don't know if I am watering too much or not enough.
It can be hard to say without seeing the damage. This can be caused by, both, underwatering and overwatering. It can also be caused by a lack of phosphorus and potassium in the soil, or too much nitrogen.
Heat can be a factor, as well as low humidity. Both can cause a lack of fruit.
These articles will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/beans/bean-blossoms-no-pods.htm
What can I do about it? There are still some small beans on plnts and a few flowers
Unfortunately, I don't think there will be any way to save this plant's crop, since most of the damage has been done. You will have to fence off the area, or keep animals out by any means necessary.
If you suspect that this is insect damage, than an insecticide will help. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/natural-home-pesticides-organic-garden-pest-control.htm
This collection of articles will offer information on common animal pests, and how to deal with them: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/category/plant-problems/pests/animals
Why are they wilted in one section?
It sounds like gopher, or another tunneling animal damage! You can usually tell if they have been around when the ground is soft and squishy from the tunnels they dig.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/animals/get-rid-groundhogs.htm
no more information to add
They are of the best quality when they are left to dry, if you are going for dry beans but that leaves them open to being eaten by something.
You will have to find a good medium for dry beans. Tou can always let them finish dehydrating indoors or in a dehydrator.
This article will offer more information:https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/beans/harvesting-beans-when-do-you-pick-beans.htm
Thought you might enjoy my green bean tunnel made out of 4x16' cattle panels. Put a stake or fence post in the middle and bow them up. Plant a row in the inside and outside of both sides. About $20 a piece but they'll last forever. Pick underneath in the shade at about 10 degrees cooler. Shades out the weeds too.
That's very neat, but unfortunately, your photo did not come through! We are unable to see the design.
My green bean pods and tomato leaves have purple/black stripes. I planted them in newly bought organic soil.I started them from seed indoors in cups and the leaves never had any of those stripes. The green bean leaves don’t have the stripes, just the pods themselves. My tomato plants are still small and haven’t bloomed yet so the leaves are the only thing I see that have the stripes . I also have kale and okra in the same raised bed garden and none of those have the stripes, just the tomato leaves and the green bean pods. Are the green beans safe to eat? What are these stripes and are my veggies sick?
This could be the result of a mosaic virus, which there is no cure. Since there can be look-alike disorders, it would be a good idea to contact your local extension agent to be sure of the diagnosis.