We have been growing garlic for 4 years now and never had this happen. Should we put it back in the ground to grow the little bulbs on the stalk further? What makes this happen?
This is just something rare that can happen in place of flowering as an alternate reproduction method. You can plant these, but they aren't as reliable as normal propagation. Eating them or using them for culinary purpose is an option.
Here is a collection of articles that will help you with garlic:
I’m growing garlic and I use large grow bags. I have 3 of them with the same dirt but one of them has these little mushrooms popping up. I pull them out but wondering if it’s doing damage or poisoning the garlic🤷♀️ Please advise. Thank you for your time and expertise😊
The presence of mushrooms could indicate too much moisture in the bag. Fungi generally are helpful in garden soil. Removing them is fine, they don't move in soil (except by growing) and won't harm the garlic. Just be sure you get all the pieces out and they are not consumed.
I usually grow garlic over winter in a poly tunnel but planted these outside in October. The variety is Early Purple Wight and Ive never had any trouble previously.
This could be a combination of things. Mainly, it will come down to stress and late harvesting. Earlier varieties will do this much earlier than other varieties.
The foliage was browning so I harvested the garlic bulbs in late May. I’m in the Midatlantic area. Was that too early? Should I have watered more to keep the foliage growing? Is the lack of an outer sheath likely the result of the foliage dying too soon?
It probably wasn't ready yet. When you see the papery divisions you know it's ready. These articles should help:
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It likely is garlic scapes. Here is more:
how do you store garlic at 50 degrees?
Seed garlic is usually stored as you would garlic, but they would prefer lower temperatures than that to keep it from trying to sprout.
Keep in mind, using seed garlic instead of a harvested bulb from the previous crop may produce less than ideal results. It will be more intensive and time consuming.
These articles will help: