In landscape design, is there a ratio or way to determine how much hardscape you should have so that it does not look unbalanced? We have an acre and already a large pool hardscaped area, then we have a large play set area and soon to have a dock and sitting area down by our lake front. I still wish to incorporate a long sidewalk from the pool to the dock/lakefront area, and I still wish to have a large outdoor fireplace sitting area. Can't put the fireplace down near the lake sitting arrea due to large mature trees. I feel like it will be too busy and too much. Should I wait for the kids to outgrow the play set and place the fireplace there, as it is level and a good spot? I just hate waiting as it may be 5 years more.
I think this article should be helpful:
What is the best way to make rows straight in garden?
You can place a stake at each end and then tie a string on the stakes. This will create a straight line that you can till down as a guide.
Ok how are you sure the stakes and string or in a straight line.
We have a sloping garden that we would like to tier (two levels). Can you give us some hints on how to go about this and what materials to use?
This article will help you:
My back yard slopes so @ the top we made a vegetable garden, we used railway ties on three sides and dug them in on the second tier we had the one railway tie from the garden and then used landscaping ties for the other sides and front and that is where I planted my stawberries, it turned out good and it looks great, hope this helps you
Should the rows in a vegetable garden run north-south, or east-west, or does it matter?
Generally, north-south; however, it really doesn't matter that much as long as all the growing requirements are met.
I have a small garden and am working on getting the soil right for next year. I want to begin my plants here at home and I want to mass plant for a more fuller and colorful look. How does one begin to mass plant? Does it take a certain amount of plants in one spot and how far apart do I plant them? How far apart do I plant the next mass? Any help/advice you can give me would be so appreciated.
This article should help:
What is country look decoration, traditional look, and electric look style decoration for plants?
If you are talking about what I think you are talking about...
Country generally means hand made looking. So, decorations may be things like a hand painted sign, grapevine or straw wreaths or arts and crafts.
Traditional is formal. Straight lines, classical statuary and clearly defined. Think English formal gardens.
Eclectic tends to be artsy. Shabby chic, colorful and unexpected.
Is there any rule or truth about what should be planted where in the garden?
As far as design goes, technically, no there is no rule. But as far as individual plants go, there are as different plants have different temp, water and light needs. For example, you would not want to plant cactus next to marsh marigolds as cacti need dry, warm, bright sun conditions while marsh marigolds like shade, lots of water and moderate temperatures.
The best thing you can do is examine the conditions of your garden space. What kind of light do you get in different spots (and this may vary greatly in even one garden), what are your summer and winter temps, how much rain do you get and how much water can you provide, how is the drainage in your soil.
Once you know all these things, you can locate plants that like those conditions and plant them in the right spots in your garden.