I planted elephant ear bulbs a month ago. How long before coming up?
1 to 3 weeks - maybe more (depending upon air and ground temperature) for first growth to show
As a child, I remember the beautiful elephant ears my parents had completely surrounding their home as a background against a white house. They were there for many, many years and were never taken out of the ground in the winter. Is there anything special one must do to keep them from dying over the winter months when living in the south, about 100 miles north of New Orleans? Any precautions I should take when the temp drops below freezing in the winter? (at night)
This article will help with caring for the plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/elephant-ear/growing-elephant-ear-plants.htm
In your area, a good layer of mulch to offer adequate winter protection for the plant.
Grasshoppers are eating on the leaves of my elephant ears.
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/grasshopper-control.htm
I dug and divided my elephant ears. I just did that a couple days ago. If I plant them again, will they come back till fall like they should or will they wait till next year becouse I am trying to sell some of the bulbs. I dug and I was wondering if it would take till next year to come up or if they'll come up through the summer and die back on schedule in the fall.
They should come up again for you, but they likely will not get to their large size as usual. But they will be better off in the ground than being stored until next year as being in the ground will allow them to store energy to make it through the winter.
Can I dig up and save elephant ear plants from the garden and have them grow?
Let the foliage die back naturally before digging them up and then trim the stem back to about 3 inches from above the tuber. The tubers can then be removed and stored. Wrap them in newspaper and store them in a cool, dry place. In the spring, they can be planted out in your garden (and dug up again in fall). This article will help with storing your elephant ear tubers: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/elephant-ear/storing-elephant-ear-bulbs.htm
Can you leave in ground and just cover up with leaves to keep warm? In other words, winterize elephant ears without digging up.
If you live in zone 8 or greater, these bulbs can be left in the ground year round. If you live in a zone lower, they need to be brought in for the winter as they will not survive year round outside.
Do I cut back the large leaves? Can I store the potted plants in the basement?
It is better to let the foliage die back naturally. But if time is of the essence, you can trim the stem/foliage back to about 3 inches from above the bulb. This article will help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/elephant-ear/storing-elephant-ear-bulbs.htm