Hi, I was growing elephant ears in my garden. I pruned them down, then pulled them out. After a couple of days, I planted them in large pots. They are now approaching 2 and a half feet with 8ish inch leaves. It is January 16th. My question is if I cut them back, would that make bulbs get bigger. Or should I just leave them grow until I plant them in mid spring. I am using led tube lights to grow them.
I would leave them. Cutting them would take precious energy for the young sprouts, and would likely TAKE from the bulb's growing capacity, as it will focus on regrowing greens.
Here are some articles that will help:
The stalk is yellowing and maybe bending. Also is seems as if the leaves are browning and breaking. It was green about 3 months ago. I also put it outside for a few hours the last few days.
It is probably the soil moisture, humidity, light, and/or warmth. These articles should help:
Do some elephant ears just have roots
Yes, many in the genus Alocasia do not develop root storage. Colocasia is known for their root storage.