My larger cucumbers are white and green. What does that mean? They were green on one side, so I flipped them. I am not sure if that makes a difference.
This is a normal. The side that is down does not get sun and the chlorophyll does not develop. Turning them as you did will create a more uniform green color.
If my tomatoes have cucumber mosaic virus, should I pull them up? The tops are curled and matted together. I can't describe it. The whole plant is bushy but light green, and a few bottom leaves are turning yellow with black spots, 6 out of 8 are like this.
It is actually likely Tomato Tobacco Mosaic Virus. There is no cure for it, so you must destroy the plants. Also, do not plant any nightshade family vegetables in that spot for at least a year as this virus will infect and kill them as well.
Here is more information:
I read the article "Controlling Cucumber Beetles – How To Deter Cucumber Beetles In The Garden. " (I already have the pests in the garden. ) It mentions spraying the plants weekly with an insecticide. I want to know which type/brand you reccomend? I do not want something that I need to go to a specialty store to find.
I like neem oil and I have been able to find this at Lowe's labeled as fruit tree oil. You can use it on all plants though.
Sevin is a popular vegetable insecticide that works well, too.
In my garden, my pickling cucumbers are deformed, being healthy only for the first 1-2 inches from where they are connected to the stem. The rest of the cucumber is shriveled and unable to be eaten. What is this, and is there any way to treat it, so I can have healthier cucumbers?
Here is an article that you may find helpful:
I have been given a cucumber plant by a friend and have put it in my porch. It's still in a pot and I have been watering it every day, but it seems to be wilting. The leaves are flacid and droopy. Am I watering it too much or not enough? Also, the plant has grown and is now trailing on the floor. Should I prop it up with a stick or leave it to lay on the floor?
Here is an article or two that you may find helpful:
My cucumber has a white, scaley look in places on the vine. I noticed this started early. I did get some cucumbers, but they didn't get a dark green like I thought they should. It is the first of July now and my plants are shrivelling up and dying. I live in Missouri and it has been in the 90's. Do cucumbers grow all season, or does the heat cause them to die? It may be I water them too much. Is there a pH tester you would recommend?
Here is an article that you may find helpful:
We've never tried growing any vegetables and received a Topsy Turvy as a gift. We chose cucumbers and purchased two small pot tray pots from Lowe's, each with 4-5 vines coming from soil. We used Miracle Gro soil in the planter. We were told that we could put all these in one Topsy Turvy, but seems to me that with 9 or so plants it's too much. It's been 2-3 weeks and the plant is growing like crazy. Do I need to pull out a couple of these stems/plants or leave it be?
You would plant them like you would tomato plants, so only one (maybe 2) plants per planter.