I am going to try to grow chives inside from seeds for the first time. I have a tiny pot I would like to use; it is about 4.5" across and about 3.5" deep. It will go inside a large decorative pot. I read the guide to planting about the damp soil but I am unsure how many seeds I should use in the small pot. The package of seeds I bought has about 750 seeds. My plan is to move it outside when it's warmer.
There's no specific number I can really give. You can simply put a small amount in your hand and sprinkle them onto the soil, covering lightly (about 1/4 inch). Once they germinate and begin getting some size to them, you can thin them out as needed.
My chives are spreading throughout my veggie garden. I dig them out, leaving the clump I want, but the others keep re-growing. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, repeat uprootings may be necessary until all of it is removed. You could also try spot treating the young sprouts with Round-up.
I planted some chive plants about three to four weeks ago and they were growing fine but when I recently went to check on them, half of them just disappeared. I've kept a constant check on them and saw no signs of holes, yellowing, or any other problem that might be related to bugs. Literally, they were there one day and gone the next. So I was wondering if birds ate the plants, or perhaps it's something I'm not familiar with.
We are growing a few herbs (mint, french thyme, sweet basil, and garlic chives). All seem to be doing well, but the Chives are not. It seems to have APHIDS. None of the others have them, even though they are all right next to each other. We want to get rid of them without ruining the herb. Someone told us to make a garlic powder-hot sauce mixture in water and spray the plant. It doesn't seem to work. I'm also concerned it may "burn" the plant. I tasted the mixture myself, and my mouth is still burning! Is there something else I could try? I heard dish soap works, but I'm going to be eating this plant, and have doubts about spraying soap all over it. Thanks again for your in-put!
Here is a link to ridding aphids from the garden naturally.
Are the pink flowers that form on the chives supposed to be cut off? Thanks.
Most people choose to cut them, but if your chive plant starts to flower, these blooms are edible as well. You can add the chive flowers to your salad or as decorations for soup.
When is it ready to be pulled and put in a salad?
This article has information on growing chives indoors: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/chives/growing-chives-indoors.htm
You can harvest leaves anytime you want once plants reach 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Cut leaves off, leaving at least 2 inches of growth above the soil. Keep in mind that once the plants bloom, the leaves will start to shrivel and turn yellow. Unless you plan to use the flowers, harvest the leaves steadily to prevent flowering.
When I cut the chives off my plant, the ends started to foam when I squished them to hold them. Is this normal and will it hurt to eat the plant? We only grow them in the summer. Thanks!
This question has me a bit stumped, I even when out a cut a few Chives to check this out!
They will drip some moisture if squeezed. I could not find any research that would find a reason for it to be foamy.
If you feel the plant is limp or smells bad in any way I would dispose of.
Spittle Bugs can cause a foaming residue on plants, but they generally do not harm a plant and can be washed away.
Here is a few links with more information.