What is the temperature tolerance for the chameleon plant? I live in Arkansas and the plant is in an outside pond, do I need to bring it in for the winter?
Hardy down to zone 4 you do not need to move this plant indoors for winter.
I have a very large chameleon bush which is more the size of a tree now. I want to cut it back as much as I can. Will this hurt the plant? Will it grow back? If I end up with just branches, will it come back? Help Dianne
You can cut back the plant by up to 1/3 a season with causing it harm. Eventually it will grow back, but you can continue to cut it back by 1/3 each year until you reach the size you desire.
Can you kill the ground cover, chameleon, with broadleaf weed control?
This article provides a good discussion of the best ways to kill chameleon groundcover (Houttuynia):
I have my chameleon plants planted in full sun, but they are one shade of green. Most pics show them as colorful.The potting soil.is a good quality and the soil remains damp. What am.i doing wrong? Thank you Sam
The color is effected by sunlight. More sun, more color!
What do I do to enhance the red color. I have had several plants in a moist sunny area between my driveway and several walks for about 10 years. Minimal red color is present if at all. The plants are healthy and spread rapidly as expected. ptorcivia0@outlook.com or 201 919 4166. I live in NW NJ zone 6.
The color is usually more intense in hot weather and with more sun. Another possibility is that some of your plants have reverted to a non-variegated, all-green form and are taking over. This can happen because most variegated plant varieties (those with multicolored leaves) are mutants that are less vigorous than the all-green form of the same species. This article explains why it happens:
If you still have any plants that have the red color, prune out the green plants around them to encourage the multicolored form to grow.
I have two kitties and just purchased a bunch of wax flower from my neighborhood grocery store and was curious if this little flower is poisonous to cats. I'm keeping it out of their reach until I can find out :) thank you!
I've looked at several of my usual references, but I haven't been able to find any references to this plant being toxic or non-toxic for cats. ASPCA is usually a great reference, but they don't have this plant listed:
I've tried everything to get rid o Houttynia cordata...a.k.a. Chameleon plant. Can you please tell me how to kill it without using harsh chemicals? I read where gooseneck loosestrife may kill it. It's also invasive but easier to uproot and hopefully doesn't smell so HORRIBLE ! Can you help me please? Many thanks! Phelonise
It is extremely difficult to eliminate.
If you have no other plants in the garden bed, you can try hitting it with glyphosate , a nonselective herbicide and then hand dig the plants that the chemical does not kill.
If it is mixed in with other plants; you can hand dig the Houttuynia. Again it will take some time to get all of the plants and their rhizomes. You could try painting the glyphosate on the Houttuynia with a small foam paint brush. By doing this you would be less likely to apply the chemical on the desired plants.