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Chameleon Plant

Q.Getting rid of an invasive plant

Zone 11233 | Anonymous added on June 11, 2018 | Answered

I’ve tried everything to get rid o Houttynia cordata…a.k.a. Chameleon plant. Can you please tell me how to kill it without using harsh chemicals? I read where gooseneck loosestrife may kill it. It’s also invasive but easier to uproot and hopefully doesn’t smell so HORRIBLE ! Can you help me please? Many thanks!


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2018

It is extremely difficult to eliminate.
If you have no other plants in the garden bed, you can try hitting it with glyphosate , a nonselective herbicide and then hand dig the plants that the chemical does not kill.
If it is mixed in with other plants; you can hand dig the Houttuynia. Again it will take some time to get all of the plants and their rhizomes. You could try painting the glyphosate on the Houttuynia with a small foam paint brush. By doing this you would be less likely to apply the chemical on the desired plants.

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