inds of growth came up and grew about 3 ft and stopped growing. So I trimmed back about half the shoots nut none appear dominate. No branching on any limbs. I just retrimmed it to get rid of a bunch of shoots. It’s still only about knee high,
It may be a lost cause. It sounds like all that came up were suckers. Here is more on bottlebrush pruning:
Generally, they prefer a pruning that will leave them in a "natural" form. This article will explain:
It looks rotten and decade
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the damage. It does sound like the tree is experiencing an issue. You may try starting over. This collection of articles will help you to care for them, properly:
I purchased the above plant last year - unfortunately I can't remember from where. To my delight a lovely fuschia coloured bushy flower has appeared at the end of one stem and there looks to be another nodule about to flower on another stem, However, on seven other stems - bright yellow flowers are appearing with 5 petals and a large stamen. I've searched loads of gardening sites to see if anyone describes this, but can't find any mention. On one of the flowers the petals have now been blown off and there is a nodule left behind - so I don't know whether to just leave it and see if it transforms into something amazing! Sorry for landing you with my query, but you are the first site I have visited that invites inquiries. Any help would be much appreciated.
There shouldn't be two types of flowers. Have you checked the stems to see if there is a second plant intertwined with the bottlebrush? It's possible, too, that a weed seed blew in and grew. Another possibility is a sport, or mutation. Here is more:
If you take on off it\'s left a small hole in the trunk. I have no idea what to do. Thanks!
It may be a twig gall, which can disfigure the tree. Those are caused by a fungus. You can prune the bottlebrush to the ground and it will regrow if your shrub or tree is unsightly.
My bottle brushes are growing nicely but not flowering after extremely cold few days and then extremely hot Summer of 2023. I'm in Houston, a lot of sun, used Holly-Tone fertilizer, watering a couple of times per week, not sure what else to do to get flowers back... Also it produces branches with reddish leaves and seeds (see the picture) - should I trim those?
Seed pods would indicate that there was, at least, some flowering happening. Now will not be the time to prune, though. I'd do that in summer. That light growth, and the flowering issue looks to be related to overfertilization. Mainly, nitrogen. This will cause vigorous growth but very few flowers. Testing your soil will give you a good idea of any deficiencies or excess of nutrients. Pruning should be done in spring or summer and not at this time.
Here are some articles that may help: