My 16 year old Bismarck palm 40ft tall just lost its top end, about 5 fronds several of which were yet to open so now it has a flat top? Will it survive? Thanks
This will, likely, end with a dead palm. The good news is that with some fungicide treatment and time, it will likely shoot up some new replacement pups.
Here are some articles that will help:
In the last two days my beautiful trees palms have ALL starting turning brown and drooping. We don’t know what to do for it.. it’s a very large tree.. about two months ago we had the bottom normal drooping branches cut off but nothing more.. help... we love this tree.
This sounds like it may be more serious than just a little shock from being trimmed. I strongly suggest that you talk with your local university extension agency to explore the possibility of a weevil or a disease that may have infected your trees.
Here's a link for your extension agency:
Planted this Bismarkia in the ground last January. Noticed the leaves in the core around the spike are damaged and the spike has brown edges. What do I need to do for it?
These looks like the start of a very common issue- Manganese deficiency.
Lots of times, this is exacerbated by soils that have a high pH. Manganese sulfate will be the cure.
Here are some articles that will help:
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. If you are referring to the seed pods or flowers, then you may cut them off without harm.
Here is an article that will offer some care tips in the meantime:
Do Not Have Image
These articles should help:
I live in Orlando Fl, and when we moved into our home, it had a Bismarck Palm about 15' high. We water twice a week. Lately the fonds on the bottom are starting to droop, and the tips are turning yellow. Is this normal? Also as the leaves are almost all the way to the ground, we would like to trim it up some. If er cut some fonds off should we seal the edges with something to stop bugs from getting in?
Do NOT cut living leaves. This will add to the, already present, nutrient deficiencies. Feeding with appropriate palm fertilizers will be appropriate, here.
There will be no need for extra water, at all. These drought tolerant trees would rather be dry than wet. This will, likely, stop the stress outside of feeding the palm.
This article will help:
I have a 5m high light-filled atrium. Could I grow it there? If it's in a pot will this prevent it growing to 60 foot?
This palm is not suitable for containers. It will outgrow any container that you put it in, relatively, fast. This is best planted outdoors.
Here is an article that will help you to care for the palm: