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Bismarck Palm

Q.Bismarck Palm Drooping & Cutting Fonds

Zone Orlando Florida | Anonymous added on July 15, 2021 | Answered

I live in Orlando Fl, and when we moved into our home, it had a Bismarck Palm about 15′ high. We water twice a week. Lately the fonds on the bottom are starting to droop, and the tips are turning yellow. Is this normal? Also as the leaves are almost all the way to the ground, we would like to trim it up some. If er cut some fonds off should we seal the edges with something to stop bugs from getting in?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 2, 2021

Do NOT cut living leaves. This will add to the, already present, nutrient deficiencies. Feeding with appropriate palm fertilizers will be appropriate, here.

There will be no need for extra water, at all. These drought tolerant trees would rather be dry than wet. This will, likely, stop the stress outside of feeding the palm.

This article will help:


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