For the last three years, my Roma and October (cranberry) beans have started dropping some of their upper leaves and blossoms as the beans mature. They quit producing and my butter beans start and just keep on until frost. Can you tell me what is wrong with the plants?
Your beans may have a virus that overwinters in your soil. Next year, try fresh seed and a new spot in the garden.
I planted string bean plants in very large rectangular pots using Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil. The plants grew beautifully for the first few weeks, sprouting string beans almost immediately. One day beautiful healthy looking plants, next day all the leaves fell off the plants. What I have now are stems with tiny, skinny beans and no leaves. What happened? And what can I do?
What you describe sounds like bacterial wilt. There's not much you can do to fix that, but you have plenty of time to replant. I would discard the soil and start with fresh as well, since the bacteria that cause wilt live in the soil. Sterilize your pots with bleach and rinse well before replanting. And since I am an organic gardener, I'd suggest you pick a good quality organic soil this time. That and a good quality liquid fertilizer will give you the same results, but be a lot healthier for you and your plants.
Instead of growing straight and narrow, my filet beans are short and growing in a curve. I am in North Carolina. Any idea what is causing this?
They curve so all sounds normal. They do not grow straight on a standard green bean.
Can I plant vegetables that climb, such as beans and peas, with corn and allow it to climb the corn stalk?
Yes, you can. In fact, corn makes a great support for pole beans and the like.
I've noticed several of my black beans plants have mold on them. It has been very dry. We are in upstate NY. What shoud I do?
It is sooty mold. It is a symptom of a pest problem. I recommend neem oil to treat it. It will kill whatever pest is on the plant and treat the sooty mold. Plus, it is organic and safe. Here is more information:
I have a row of apparently healthy Cranberry beans that have been flowering, yet not producing pods. Why?
This is a pollination problem. This article will help:
How do I get rid of white flies? Mostly they are on my string bean and tomato plants.
This article will help:
Neem oil may help as well. Here is more information: