How do I get rid of these bugs & what are they please, as I know basil doesn’t really like it’s leaves getting wet
It looks like aphids. Here is help:
I have basil plants I transplanted outside and want to know if it's bug damage, too much water or disease. I also have pictures of some leaves of the plants in the area I'd like to clear for my garden and want to know if the yellow spots are a deficiency or nematode etc. This is my 1st attempt at gardening and I'm lost.
This is definitely an insect. Looks like whitefly damage.. Luckily, there are ways to get rid of them.
These articles will help:
I have this small basil plant that I've regrown from a stem and I'm letting its flowers die so that I can harvest the seeds but the flower stem is completely covered in these white spots and I dont know if this is normal or maybe some type of disease
The photo isn't quite clear, but it looks like aphid moltings! This article will help you to get rid of aphids:
These articles will help you to care for basil:
I manage to kill basil plants and I want them to thrive. How much water do they prefer? Sunlight? What about fertilizer and what kind is best. Thanks.
This collection of articles will give you all of the information that you could need on the subject of Basil:
My potted basil is turning yellow, and has what I think are eggs on the stems. I cannot see any bugs, so I'm not sure what they are, but they are hard and brown and almost stuck to the stems. Can anyone please help me identify what is wrong with my plant and advise how to fix it? Also, is the basil still safe to eat at this time? Thank you!!
It is hard to say what kind of insect that is from the photo. Many insecticides will take care of mild infestations such as this. I don't think that this is the main issue. Here is an article that will help:
This appears to be overcrowding related. There should be one plant per pot, and basil will prefer a larger pot, since they have the capacity to become shrubs. For longevity, I would go with a 2 gallon container, at least.
This article will help you to care for basil:
My Basil plant appears to be dying. The whole plant is changing its color from normal green to a lighter yellowish green.
Likely, the soil remains too wet for too long. This will suffocate the roots. Let the soil dry, thoroughly, down to about 3 or 4 inches before watering again. You may want to treat with a fungicide as well.
These articles will help:
Or are they something else, e.g., a fungus? And how do I treat & prevent? They're massed all over the stems, and they're hard.
They are galls, likely, full of eggs. I'm not familiar with that particular gall, but insecticides will prevent them in the future. Here is a collection of articles that will help: