I have arthritis in my wrists, hands, shoulders and back. What tools and benches are good for handicaps? Need a small, low bench to sit close to ground but not on it (about 8 to 12 inches high). Kneeling pads are too hard to get up off of and hard on the knees.
There are many different tools and supplies available for gardeners who need assistance for working in the garden.
Search for 'adaptive gardening tools' on Google for sources.
Here are some great articles that will help you.
I have Osteoarthritis in my left hip and I am starting to have trouble standing and bending to pick up the leaves and petals which have fallen from my prize rose bushes. I carry an outdoor chair around with me, which I sit in to garden. Of course, this means I am still bending forward and reaching out with my hands down to pick up the debris. I am looking for some kind of a light tool with a long reach so I can do this work without needing to bend so much. My wife got me a long reach device with a movable grip at the end which is great for picking up stems when I do my pruning but for small leaves it's no good. I would be very thankful for any ideas on this subject. Thanks, Murrat
Get a leaf blower blow them away from the roses on to the lawn and run your mower over them they make good fertilizer
I would like suggestions about planning a sensory garden for the blind. Also, if you know people and gardens to visit in Oregon and Washington that have done this.
What a wonderful garden project!
We have some great articles to help you get started!
I’m just wondering if you could recommend a book covering the aspect of the many kinds of therapeutic gardens.
My first inquiry didn’t answer the question. Can you recommend a therapeutic gardening book that covers all aspects of therapeutic gardening? Thanks, Dave Forman West Branch, MI
There are many books out there. A quick google search will reveal several options. This link shows the results that come up: https://www.google.com/search?q=therapeutic+gardening+books&safe=active&client=opera&hs=HbI&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi32sDFkYnfAhWDj4MKHYmJBNQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1326&bih=634
Gardening Know How in conjunction with many generous sponsors of the Gardening Know How site will be awarding 20 sponsorships to 20 selected gardens. Each sponsorship will be for $1000. Follow instructions on link below to apply.
tool for me to push myself back up to standing position?
I'm sure there are, but I'm not aware of any off hand. You may try online vendors such as Amazon, Ebay, or Etsy. There are lots of things for accessible gardening out there!