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Q.Swampy Area In Heavy Rain

Zone Willowick, Ohio, 44095 | Anonymous added on May 26, 2023 | Answered

I just moved to a house that has a backyard that has been sorely neglected. Previous owners put in a pool and deck and the area surrounding both get extremely soggy, sometimes with massive puddles (especially under the deck). Rather than put $$$ into soil I would like to plant to absorb the water. Half the area is in shade, half in sun. The biggest lakes in the shade. Currently the swampy area’s are in what is supposed to be lawn, but I’m ok with changing that. My concern is that after spring the area may dry up (altho we don’t seem to get a dry season anymore) and I would need something that will absorb that water but stay hardy with normal rain. I like grasses and ferns but want to be sure something goes in that will not need a lot of maintenance. Thank you

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