Q.Sun scorched azaleas
I believe that my pink azalea bush has been scorched and I don’t know what to do or expect. The leaves are brown and dry but are still attached to the bush. It’s a small, 3 yr old bush and I’m debating whether or not it would make sense to dig it up and relocated to a shadier spot. Then again, I don’t know if I should just plan a funeral and call it a lesson learned. Any help is appreciated.
P.S. The stems are still green inside.
A cool, slightly shaded spot is the best location.
You may be fighting an uphill battle in it's currant location.
You may want to trim it up and relocate it. It may recover just fine with daily water for the first 2 weeks of transplanting.
Then off to the garden center for something that will love the sun location!
Loss makes for opportunities.