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Succulent Plants

Q.Succulent Plant Dying

Zone Scottsdale, AZ, 85260 | ediemartin3 added on August 29, 2016 | Answered

My indoor succulent is dying and I don’t know why. The leaves keep falling off and one of the stems has turned completely black. I don’t think it’s an over watering issue because I only water once or twice a week. I have read up on the dangers of over watering for succulents. I live in Arizona, but my plant stays indoors near a window that doesn’t receive direct sunlight, but still lets the sun in. I use soil that is specifically made for cacti and succulents. Please help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2016

I'm not sure what kind of succulent you have, but this article might help:

Some succulents really need very little water. Even if it's not overwatered, your plant might need less water than usual in its weakened state. Water that it can't fully absorb might hurt the roots.

You should also check your plant for any visible insects on the leaves and stem.
This article is about cacti, but might help you identify the problem:

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