Q.Stressed Corkscrew Willow After Repotting
I received a corkscrew willow on 4/27/2023. On 04/28/2023, I wired, bent, shaped, root pruned and repotted my corkscrew willow and the next morning while all the leaves are still green they are dry and wilted except for the bottom branch where all its leaves are normal. Do I remove all of the wilted green leaves and tips? Should I place it in shade? What would be the best strategy? Thank You

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would, definitely, keep the tree in shadier conditions when it is full sun. At least, while it is healing over. Once it shows signs of recovery, then you can move it back to full sun.
The best thing that you can do after so much stress at once will be to provide proper care. This article will help: