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Strawberry Plants

Q.Strawberries rotting on the vine

Zone Seattle Washington 98144 | Chalice Stallworth added on July 16, 2017 | Answered

I have been growing strawberries for several years, the patch has grown bigger each year as I have helped the runners root into the ground and take off. This year I had thousands of white flowers and little green berries it looked like it was going to be a gorgeous crop of strawberries and then all of sudden they stopped growing and started to dry up. I now have thousands of little pink dried up berries that look as if they were in dry soil and hot sun with no water, which isn’t the case. Sad my strawberries died, I usually have a green thumb, all my other berries and plants are doing well. Any strawberry experts out there who can give me some tips on what happened and what to do to clean out the bed for next year? I was going to plant strawberries on the entire other side of my yard as I actually use them for ground cover, now I am scared????? Thanks for any help!

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Answered on July 18, 2017
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