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Hyacinth Plant

Q.strawberries not forming

Zone Scottish Borders | Ken Linton added on July 27, 2015 | Answered

My strawberries are 2 years old. Both this year and last we had lots of flowers but fruits were tiny and did not ripen. Still flowering but fruits are all about the size of a fingernail. I think pollination is OK because we have loads of bees in the garden. I have 2 plants and this year I transferred them into a trough which I water and feed according to the guidance I have found on this website. I will probably end up binning the plants but I would rather get to the bottom of the problem if I can.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2015

I would do more research into the variety that you have planted.
Some plants need more time to mature and produce.
Temperatures can play a big part in strawberry production.
Here are some links for you.


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