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Calathea Plant

Q.Strange flower on Calathea exotica

Zone 2450 | Coco123 added on December 10, 2018 | Answered

I’ve owned my Calathea exotica for over a year now and for the first time there seems to be some sort of flower things growing in between a couple of the stems. When I have googled it they say that these are a non flowering plant. So I am very confused about what is growing on my plant and wether or not it is normal?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 11, 2018

Calathea do often bloom in the wild, but they tend not to bloom much indoors. There are some exceptions, such as the C. crocata species of calathea, which can produce beautiful orange colored flowers. Most of the other species of calathea plants just have bright, colorful green leaves with other colors (such as purple) on the underside of their leaves.
You are doing everything right for your plant to bloom!

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