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Q.Storing Compost

Anonymous added on July 20, 2015 | Answered

Once your compost is completely broken down, what is the best way to store the compost for use the following spring? My garden spaces are now mulched, and I’m done with the compost for this season. I found that when putting it in a plastic container to save for next spring, that following spring it seems so dry and doesn’t have the delicious luster that makes it seem so desirable for the garden. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 20, 2015

How you store it really depends on how much room you have. Ideally, you want an out of the way spot in the yard to put the finished compost where you then cover the pile with some plastic to keep it protected. Storing like this keeps the microbes and beneficial critters happy and healthy in the compost.

If this is not possible, then a plastic container or trash bag will work. Make sure to add some water every few months to keep it moist. The moisture is what help keep it looking nice.

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