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Q.Storage of bagged soil and compost

Zone 47421 | Anonymous added on December 16, 2017 | Answered

I have several bags of Compost, mushroom compost, castings, peat Moss and other amendments that I bought for new home. However, I did not end up getting moved in until much later than expected. Some bags have been opened, but are rolled up. Most bags are unopened. Some bags are outside under a tarp and others are in basement. Can you tell me how to store for the winter so it’s possible to use again in spring?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 17, 2017

You can store unopened bags of amendments either indoors or outdoors under a tarp. Opened bags can be stored in the same places rolled up and taped shut. The only way the amendments would lose their nutrients would be if they were exposed to rain so that nutrients were allowed to leach into the ground, or if they were stored for more than 1-2 years. This article gives more details:

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