Q.Stinging bugs, small wasps or yellow jackets?
I have a very large staghorn fern, it weighs more than 200 lbs. Some kind of stinging wasps or yellow jackets have nested in it. I sprayed two cans of wasp spray on it and it didn’t seem to faze them. The nest is twice as large as the last time I was here. What can I do to get rid of them? This plant is over 35 years old and I gave it to my mother in a little 2-inch pot. My mother has since passed away so I truly do not want to kill the plant. Help???
Nakita Posey
Correctly identifying the insect is key to how to treat the infestation.
You should always use caution when dealing with stinging insects, even if you do not have allergies to them.
You may want to call in a professional if you don't feel you can safely remove the nest on your own.
Here are some links to help you.