Q.stimulating growth on buxus
Stimulating growth in mature buxus parts that were not exposed to light. I had to replace a very mature buxus topiary for a new one, which, unfortunately, is a bit smaller. This has revealed parts of a neighboring pyramind-shape topiary, which have previously not been exposed to light due to proximity to the old plant. There is no green growth in that area, please see photos).
I would be very grateful for any advice on how to stimulate growth in this part of the pyramid to fill the gap between the two plants. Thank you in advance!
Many thanks for the answer LuvaLeigh. Will do so! Fingers crossed it won't take too long :)
The pruning itself will stimulate the cells and allow for new growth. Maintain typical care and add a fertilizer to the mix in early spring. They are not an acid loving plant so use a granular urea fertilizer, 10-6-4.