Q.Sterile Peppers
What would cause chili pepper plants not to grow any peppers? The plants are healthy looking and have grown to about 18-22 inches tall. A couple leaves have holes in them, but that is about all. They are being grown in containers on my deck, which gets sun most of the afternoon.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like a pollination problem. This hot, humid summer has been hard on pepper pollination. These articles will help:
https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/pollinate-tomatoes.htm (peppers and tomatoes are pollinated the same way, so you can use this article for peppers too)
If you are not getting blossoms, this is likely either too much nitrogen or too little phosphorus. Adding some bone meal or other phosphorus rich fertilizer will help.