Q.stem cuttings coneflowers
Zone 5B, started some stem cuttings (using root hormone)on July 20, they are just starting to root. Because the season is too late to plant directly in the ground, is it possible to bring the cuttings in my basement where the temperature is about 55degrees or (no plant lights) or take them in the house in a room that is about 62 degrees with sun. I have a garage but it can get very cold in there.

I don't think it is too late to get them outside in a sheltered place. They need to go through winter and dormancy to trigger flowering next year. If it is very small now, keep it inside another month then get it used to being outside and plant it. Water it all the way through fall. Coneflowers are very easy to grow from seed. If you get some, sow the seeds in late fall where you want them to grow.