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Q.Starting roses from cuttings

Zone Livonia, Michigan 48150 | Anonymous added on March 1, 2019 | Answered

A bouquet of roses has begun to grow leaves along the stem. It’s winter in Michigan, but they are in water right now, and I’ve removed the dead heads. Is it possible to treat with root hormone and plant in pots until weather allows for the plants to moved into my garden. Not sure of the variety, but they were labeled “garden roses.”

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 1, 2019
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Answered on March 1, 2019

It is sure with a try. Recut the end at an angle and follow the standard procedure for propagating from cuttings. (article at link) The cutting should be about 6 inches long with only one pair of leaves. More than that is not sustainable without roots. Bright light is also critical for your rose between now and when you can plant it outside. Roses can tolerate light frost but I would wait until Mother's Day or your frost free date to put a baby plant outside. Be sure to harden it off well.

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