Q.Starfish Cactus
My SF cactus is huge. I’ve had it about 5 years; it has so many flowers, yellow with the black polka dots. It blossomed over 50 flowers just this summer, still blooming & pods soon to open today. This year it had sort of thin spears appear on them. Today out checking it, and that spear dried & opened– white fluffy with seeds blowing out of it. I collected the seeds & put them in a jar in my kitchen. This plant has never been in the house. When should I plant the seeds ❓I still have more spears on the plant but not ready to open yet.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can grow the seeds, but stem cuttings are faster and you get a plant that is true to form.
Start the seeds in a seed tray filled with cacti potting mix. Lightly cover with soil with potting mix. Keep seeds warm and mist often to keep soil moist. When the seedlings are about 2 inches tall, move them into individual containers and water when soil becomes dry to the touch. Continue to care for them about a year before moving outside. Harden them off by increasing the light from a window, more each day. Plant them outside in part shade or with some morning or evening light. Do not give them full afternoon sun.