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Morning Glory Plants

Q.Star of Yelta Morning Glories

Zone 02111 | Jacqueline Church added on May 3, 2017 | Answered

I grow in containers (city living) and love my morning glories. I finally got some nice planters and would like to plant something with them to fill in around the soil. I was thinking Marigolds? They’re easy and low and bushy. Would they be okay? what about lettuces? or some herbs?
I’m in zone 6b (I think, Boston) and in between buildings so I get partial sun (it’s morning sun, shade most of the day and some afternoon sun). Cannot grow vegetables but have had success with flowers, herbs and small peppers.

Also, I get plenty of volunteers and I save seeds and share. Lately I’ve read that I’m to file and soak seeds before planting? Is this really necessary?

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