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Star Jasmine Plants

Q.Star Jasmine Vine not growing

Zone 77389 | kparmy29 added on June 27, 2016 | Answered

We planted white star jasmine in tall pots to trail up our pergola (permanent outdoor installation in Houston, TX). The first year it did well, but this spring/summer the growth has been very minimal and the vines have fewer leaves. The pots are about 3 feet tall and 1 foot square. The root ball was installed in the top 12″ of the pot for max height onto the pergola. I put an upside down plastic container in the bottom along with drilling a hole for drainage. The rest is filled with soil. I water regularly but allow the soil to dry out between. Do I need to fertilize? If so, with what and how often? Is a permanent installation in a pot not a good idea for this plant?

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