Q.Spring flowering plants
We intend on putting our house on the market towards the end of February/early March and although we should have the daffs out by then, I am looking for ideas for plants to brighten up the beds in amongst the perennials, which will bloom later in the year. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Depending on your growing zone, you may or may not be able to plant out early cold weather plants.
Check you local garden centers for availability of some of the following plants.
Pansy, Hellebore, Snowdrop Anemone, Azalea, Calendula, Poppies, Alyssum, Mignonette, Sweet Annie, Sweet Peas, Cornflowers, Lobelia, Snapdragons.
Potting up some colorful plants that can be tucked out in the yard can be a way to add curb appeal. If the weather cools you can quickly store the pots inside to protect them from frost.
Perhaps some large pots of dwarf conifers with under plantings of Alyssum would give you some visual interest.