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Q.spreading evergreen

Zone 01106 | Anonymous added on April 17, 2017 | Answered

At one time my gardening beds were filled with spreading evergreen. When we moved in 15 years ago I removed them; however, the roots remain and sprouts come up all over my garden. I have used herbicides directly on the new plants, gardening fabric, and heavy mulching but the problem is still there. How can I rid my garden of this problem? Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 18, 2017

I would cut the roots with a sharp cutter as low as possible. Then 'paint' the cut stem with a full strength herbicide application, use a small brush to apply.
Remember that the herbicide will kill any other plants it touches, so use caution around your plants.

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