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Hyacinth Plant

Q.spider plant problem

Anonymous added on October 16, 2014 | Answered

I have a relatively young root bound spider plant; however, today I have noticed the tips of the leaves are dark brown and curling inward. At first I thought the tiny specks were potting soil because as I ran the length of the leaf between my index finger and thumb, the black “specks” came off the leaf. It didn’t give off a “gritty” feel when I did this either. Upon inspecting closer today, these varying small to large specks and/or areas are dead center & randomly scattered along the center of each leaf. They also have the characteristics of an outer, almost reddish brown appearance, with the inner area black and on a couple of the leaves. The center is a completely dried out brown. It appears the only leaves not affected are the 3 tiny baby spiderettes sprouting from the 1 stem outgrowth from the mother plant.

As added information, I do not own cats. I’ve only my heart living here with me, my American Rottweiler, Jesse Lynne ;o ) Do you think my only spider plant which was a cutting from a friend can be saved? I thought of removing it from the dirt, literally washing the roots, air drying and then replanting in 1/2 dirt and 1/2 Miracle Grow. Your expertise, advice and assistance will be forever appreciated. Thank you so much for reading and answering my email. Have a great day and thanks again!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 17, 2014

It sounds like the plant may have a simple black spot fungus infection. Treating the plant with a fungicide should clear it right up.

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