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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Spider plant growth upwards instead of over the side

Zone | heclagirl added on February 7, 2012 | Answered

My spider plant looks quite healthy, very seldom has any brown ends. I water usually once a week well. My problem seems to be that my plant is growing “up” instead of going down around the planter. Is there something I need to change? I have about 5 different plants in the pot so am wondering if that is an issue? I also have never fertilized, so do I need to and with what type of fertilizer? Thank you for your help, especially about it growng upwards.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 12, 2012

It sounds like you may have just a very healthy spider plant. Strong leaves will grow up instead of outward, though eventually they should grow tall enough that they fall outward.

Spider plants actually do better being crowded together. They produce more spiderettes when they are crowded. They also do not need much fertilizer, though the soil you are using sounds like it may have fertilizer in it, as they are growing well.

Just to be sure, make sure the plant you have is actually a spider plant. There are a few houseplants that look similar except for their growth patterns (i.e growing up instead of growing out and down).

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