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Lawn Maintenance

Q.Sowing Grass Seeds

Zone North London | Anonymous added on July 4, 2021 | Answered

We have a larges patch of earth street side of our 3 story council block. There is barely any grass but good soil. It gets full sun light. We want the grass to grow around the shrubs and plants. We are not able to put much effort in this, we won’t be turning over the soil. We are buying the grass ourselves. Ideally we want to broadcast seeds and let nature take its course. We are in North London. Can you advise us on type of seed, time of year, and anything else. Thanks

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 15, 2021

It looks like it would be a nightmare to mow. I suggest putting in more shrubs and surrounding all with mulch. That is better for the plants, anyway. The grass will compete for nutrients and moisture.

If you still want grass, here are some tips on preparing, choosing and growing a lawn:



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